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  Dutch draughtsman and etcher. He was a lawyer by profession and a skilled amateur draughtsman. At the Amsterdam Latin school his teacher was the humanist Hadrianus Junius (1511-75), under whose supervision he wrote a poem about the Atheneum Illustre and Collegium Auriacum in Breda, published by Johannes Blaeu in 1647. From 1648 to 1652 he read law at Leiden University. In 1653 he married Anna van Baerle, daughter of the famous professor and theologian Caspar van Baerle (1584-1648), and throughout his life he moved in prominent intellectual circles. One of his closest friends was Constantijn Huygens the younger, who was also an amateur draughtsman, with a very similar drawing style (especially in landscapes), and who was probably a member — with Jacob van der Does (1623-73) and Willem Doudijns (1630-97) — of the small drawing academy that de Bisschop founded in The Hague.
  Although de Bisschop lived for a while in a house adjoining Claes Moeyaert s in Amsterdam, it was probably Bartholomeus Breenbergh, also living in Amsterdam at the time, rather than Moeyaert who most influenced his style of drawing. De Bisschop made two large etchings after paintings by Breenbergh: Joseph Selling Corn to the People (1644; untraced) and the Martyrdom of St Lawrence (1647; Frankfurt am Main, Städelsches Kunstinstitut).
The Medici Venus
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