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The Chapel viewed from the entrance
The Chapel viewed from the entrance
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The Chapel viewed from the entrance

Date :1303-06
Technique :-
Type :interior
Form :painting
Location :Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua



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The Chapel viewed towards the entrance
No. 1 Scenes from the Life of Joachim: 1. Rejection of Joachim's Sacrifice
No. 2 Scenes from the Life of Joachim: 2. Joachim among the Shepherds
No. 3 Scenes from the Life of Joachim: 3. Annunciation to St Anne
No. 4 Scenes from the Life of Joachim: 4. Joachim's Sacrificial Offering
No. 5 Scenes from the Life of Joachim: 5. Joachim's Dream
No. 6 Scenes from the Life of Joachim: 6. Meeting at the Golden Gate
No. 7 Scenes from the Life of the Virgin: 1. The Birth of the Virgin
No. 8 Scenes from the Life of the Virgin: 2. Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple
No. 9 Scenes from the Life of the Virgin: 3. The Bringing of the Rods to the Temple
Last Judgement
Last Judgment
No. 10 Scenes from the Life of the Virgin: 4.The Suitors Praying
No. 11 Scenes from the Life of the Virgin: 5. Marriage of the Virgin
No. 12 Scenes from the Life of the Virgin: 6. Wedding Procession


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