St Augustine Departing for Milan
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St Augustine Departing for Milan
Author : BENOZZO GOZZOLI Date :1464-65 Technique :Fresco Type :religious Form :painting Location :Apsidal chapel, Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano
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St Augustine Departing for Milan |
Arrival of St Augustine in Milan (scene 8, north wall) |
Scenes with St Ambrose (scene 9, north wall) |
St Augustine Reading the Epistle of St Paul (scene 10, east wall) |
Death of St Monica |
Schema of the St Augustine Cycle |
The Four Evangelists |
Baptism of St Augustine (scene 11, east wall) |
The Parable of the Holy Trinity (scene 12, south wall) |
The Parable of the Holy Trinity |
Death of St Monica (scene 13, south wall) |
Blessing of the Faithful at Hippo (scene 14, north wall) |
Conversion of the Heretic (scene 15, east wall) |
St Augustine's Vision of St Jerome (scene 16, east wall) |
Funeral of St Augustine (scene 17, south wall) |
St Monica (on the pillar) |
St Bartolus (on the pillar) |
St Nicholas of Bari (on the pillar) |
Raphael and Tobias (on the pillar) |
St Nicholas of Tolentino (on the pillar) |
Translation | Spanish | German | French | Italian |
painter | pintor | maler | peintre | pittore |
painting | pintura | Anstrich | peinture | pittura |
paintings | pinturas | Anstriche | peintures | pitture |
biography | biograf�a | Biographie | biographie | biografia |
gallery | galer�a | Galerie | galerie | galleria |