Page from the Trattato d'architettura
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Page from the Trattato d'architettura
Author : FILARETE Date :c. 1465 Technique :- Type :study Form :graphics Location :Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
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Page from the Trattato d'architettura |
Portrait of Madame Flandrin |
Peaches |
Still-Life with Pygmy Parrot |
Still-life with Fish |
Still Life with Stag Beetle |
Christ Carrying the Cross |
Banquet of the Gods |
Head of a Woman |
The Fall of the Rebellious Angels |
Venus |
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene |
Minerva Dressing |
Self-Portrait at the Spinet |
The Adoration of the Kings |
Portrait of Francesco Brivio |
Music Player |
Job and his False Comforters |
�tienne Chevalier and His Patron Saint |
Translation | Spanish | German | French | Italian |
painter | pintor | maler | peintre | pittore |
painting | pintura | Anstrich | peinture | pittura |
paintings | pinturas | Anstriche | peintures | pitture |
biography | biograf�a | Biographie | biographie | biografia |
gallery | galer�a | Galerie | galerie | galleria |